This essay discusses Microsoft also announced other Windows Phone 8 smartphones, including the HTC 8S and the unblock us chromecast dd-wrt Nokia Lumia 820. If you truly look at the specs, these machines are built so small, that chromecast offers they lack the features most normal laptops have. . |
PmWiki /
WebFeedsas it's installing that FAILED TO COPY=and then the file-names of all the files that are suospped to be installed. Funny thing is, it will still do a re-boot upon pressing any key.Still not rooted. Still fighting, cussing and threatening .any suggestions?- Blade [url=]ymmndjzm[/url] [link=]mczdoydchq[/link] visitors (intermediate) Web feeds are a convenient mechanism to let visitors be notified of changes to a site. Instead of repeatedly checking RecentChanges every day to see what is new, a visitor can use a news aggregator to quickly see what pages of interest have changed on a site. Web feeds are commonly recognized by terms such as RSS, Atom, and web syndication. They are also the foundation for podcasting. In its simplest form, web feeds in PmWiki are built on WikiTrails. Using a feed action such as Authors can also create custom feeds by simply creating a wiki trail of the pages they want included in the feed. Feeds can also be generated from groups, categories, and backlinks, and the order and number of items in the feed can be changed using options in the feed url. Thus, one can obtain a feed for the Skins category (sorted with most recent items first) by using PmWiki is able to generate feeds in many formats, including RSS 2.0 ( How to read a PmWiki syndicated feed
Feed optionsAdd any of the following options to the end of a PmWiki web feed url to change its output (basically any pagelist option is available for web feeds):
authors (intermediate) Configure PmWiki for feedsThis section describes how to syndicate portions of a wiki to appear in a web feed. It does not describe how to display a web feed within a wiki page -- for that, see Cookbook:RssFeedDisplay. To enable web feed generation for a site, add one or more of the following to a local customization file: if ($action == 'rss') include_once('scripts/feeds.php'); if ($action == 'atom') include_once('scripts/feeds.php'); if ($action == 'rdf') include_once('scripts/feeds.php'); if ($action == 'dc') include_once('scripts/feeds.php'); or you can combine multiple feeds into a single expression using "||" to separate each feed type. For example, if you want to enable RSS and Atom feeds you would use if ($action == 'rss' || $action == 'atom') include_once('scripts/feeds.php'); Configure feed contentWeb feeds are highly configurable, new elements can be easily added to feeds via the $FeedFmt array. Elements in $FeedFmt look like
where the first index corresponds to the action (?action=atom), the second index indicates a per-feed or per-item element, and the third index is the name of the element being generated. The above setting would therefore generate a "<rights>All Rights Reserved</rights>" in the feed for ?action=atom. If the value of an entry begins with a '<', then feeds.php doesn't automatically add the tag around it. Elements can also be callable functions which are called to generate the appropriate output. See Also
<< Notify | Documentation Index | RefCount >> How can I use the RSS <enclosure> tag for podcasting? For podcasting of mp3 files, simply attach an mp3 file to the page with the same name as the page (i.e., for a page named Podcast.Episode4, one would attach to that page a file named "Episode4.mp3"). The file is automatically picked up by ?action=rss and used as an enclosure. The set of potential enclosures is given by the $RSSEnclosureFmt array, thus $RSSEnclosureFmt = array('{$Name}.mp3', '{$Name}.wma', '{$Name}.ogg');
allows podcasting in mp3, wma, and ogg formats. How to add "summary" to the title in a rss feed (ie. with Add this line in you $FeedFmt['rss']['item']['title'] = '{$Group} / {$Title} : $LastModifiedSummary';
How to add feed image? Add the following to local/config.php (this example is for $FeedFmt['rss']['feed']['image'] = "<title>Logo title</title> <link></link> <url></url> <width>120</width> <height>60</height>"; How do I insert RSS news feeds into PmWiki pages? How can I specify default feed options in a configuration file instead of always placing them in the url? For example, if you want if ($action == 'rss') SDVA($_REQUEST, array( 'group' => 'News', 'order' => '-time', 'count' => 10)); |